* HR/BIH * Rubin hand cream 50 ml * Fragrant hand cream protects and moisturizes the skin * Use: Apply the cream several times a day after washing your hands
* DE * Handcreme Rubin 50 ml * Die fuftige Handcreme bietet der Haut Schutz und Feuchtigkeit * Anwendung: Handcreme mehrmals täglich nach dem Händewaschen auftragen
* EN * Ruby hand cream 50ml * Scented hand cream protects and hydrates the skin * Application: Apply cream multiple times a day after washing your hands
* SLO * Hand cream Rubin 50 ml * Breathable hand cream protects and moisturizes the skin * Use: apply the cream several times a day, after washing
* SR * Rubin hand cream 50 ml * Fragrant hand cream protects and hydrates the skin. Use: Apply the cream several times a day after washing your hands.
* HR/BIH * Ruby body cream 200 ml * Fragrant and revitalizing cream for the care of the whole body * Use: Apply the cream to clean body skin and gently massage
* DE * Körpercreme Rubin 200 ml * Eine duftige und wiederbelebende Creme für ganzheitliche Körperpflege * Anwendung: Die Creme auf saubere Körperhaut auftragen und sanft einmassieren
* EN * Ruby body cream 200 ml * Scented and revitalizing cream for complete body care * Application: Apply cream to clean body skin and massage gently
* SLO * Rubin body cream 200 ml * Breathing and restorative cream for the whole body * Use: Apply the cream to clean skin of the body and gently rub it in.
* SR * Ruby body cream 200 ml * Fragrant and revitalizing cream for the care of the whole body * Use: Apply the cream to clean body skin and gently massage.