Complaints and returns
The customer has the right within 14 days in accordance with Article 72 of the Consumer Protection Act to cancel the purchase by sending a written notification to web@sky-cosmetics.hr. The 14-day period begins on the day of collection/delivery of the ordered goods.
In the electronic written notification about canceling the purchase, clearly state the decision to cancel the purchase (with your name and the date of the order).
If the customer has already received the goods and cancels the purchase, he must return the received goods to the company within 14 days upon written notification from 1. paragraph. Refunds in the amount of returned products must be returned to the customer’s bank account by the company within 14 days of receipt of the goods at the latest.
When returning products, they must be unused, undamaged and in their original packaging. A copy of the original invoice must be attached to the returned product.
Send the shipment to the address:
SKY COSMETICS doo – Warehouse
Vukomerička street 4,
10410 Velika Gorica, Croatia
The cost of returning the goods is borne by the buyer. For returned products, we do not accept shipments with payment of postage by cash on delivery.
Sky Cosmetics .doo is responsible for actual factory defects of products purchased in the Internet store (www.skycosmeticsgroup.com). If the customer has any complaint in accordance with Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act, please inform us by e-mail: web@sky-cosmetics.hr
The consumer must describe the error in detail in the error notification and allow the seller to consider the error.
In the event of a complaint, please return the goods with a copy of the original invoice to the address Sky Cosmetics .doo – warehouse, Vukomerička ulica 4, 10410 Velika Gorica, Croatia with the indication ‘Internet sale’ within 14 days of purchase.
Upon receipt of the goods, Sky Cosmetics .doo will provide a written response to the complaint resolution within 8 days upon receipt of the written notification and the product.
Complaints sent by parcel distribution must be properly packed in cardboard packaging.
All complaints that are packed inappropriately and that have visible mechanical damage during transport will not be accepted but will be returned to the sender.
The cost of returning the goods is borne by the buyer.
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